Last week, my class worked on a pre-reading project for Romeo & Juliet. First, we talked about what they already knew (or thought they knew) about Romeo & Juliet. Next, we focused on the setting and author. We discussed the time period of Shakespeare's drama and life during that era. From there, I gave them information about different social classes, occupations, and education. Each student chose an occupation that interested them and was asked to write a classified ad that advertised the type of work they did. Within the ad, they were required to discuss their education, experience, and request a wage. Something the kids really got a kick out of was choosing their Elizabethan name. I had them choose from a list of common names from the Elizabethan Era. I found some great resources at After the students finished their rough drafts of their ads, we aged paper with coffee and tore the edges to make it look old. Here are some of the finished products!

Illinois State Standards:
CC.7.R.L.3 Key Ideas and Details: Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot).
Students will:
-describe an occupation of the Elizabethan era
-compare and contrast education of today with education of the Elizabethan era
-identify social classes of the Elizabethan era
-relate the information of their classified ad to the characters in Romeo & Juliet
Students were assessed on the accuracy of their final product. They were to include their Elizabethan name, education, experience, requested wage, and contact information as well as a picture.
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