Illinois State Standards:
11.A.3a Formulate hypotheses that can be tested
by collecting data.
11.A.3b Conduct scientific experiments that
control all but one variable.
11.A.3d Explain the existence of unexpected
results in a data set.
11.B.3b Sketch, propose and compare design
solutions to the problem considering available materials, tools, cost
effectiveness and safety.
11.B.3e Evaluate the test results based on
established criteria, note sources of error and recommend improvements.
12.C.3b Model and describe the chemical and
physical characteristics of matter (e.g., atoms, molecules, elements,
compounds, mixtures).
Students will:
-design a controlled experiment
-create a data table to record results of experiment
-identify possible sources of error
-compare the viscosities of various liquids
Students were assessed based on their data collection, analysis, and conclusion in their lab report. Students were required to identify two possible sources of error, identify two ways to improve their experiment, explain how the different viscosities affected the results, and confirm or disprove their hypothesis.