Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chicken Wing Dissection

Seventh grade had their first dissection experience.  They each had the opportunity to dissect a chicken wing.  Before the dissection, there were many mixed feelings.  Some were very excited while others were quite nervous.  After their initial fear, the students were engaged and interested.  Even though they are simply chicken wings from the grocery store, it is a great way for students to see how the muscular system and skeletal system work together.  It is fun to watch the students explore and see their surprise when they realize this is the same chicken they eat at home.  So many of them have no idea they eat muscles of animals.

Illinois State Standards:
12.A.3c. Compare and contrast how different forms and structures reflect different funtions (e.g., similarities and differences among animals that fly, walk, or swim; structures of plant cells and animal cells). 

Students will:
-identify and describe the muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage of a chicken wing
-explain how the skeletal system and muscular system work together
-compare and contrast the human arm with the chicken wing


Students were assessed based on their recorded observations as well as their ability to point and verbally identify each part of the chicken wing.

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