Sunday, November 11, 2012

Muscular System Project

To wrap up our muscular system unit, I am having students create an advertisement for an imaginary workout facility/workout program.  Last year I did this project, but the students worked on it individually and made brochures in computer class.  This year I decided to have them work with a partner and create a poster.  I did this because I am really working on having my students work together.  Although I have no serious problems between students that disrupt the classroom environment, I do notice there are cliques within my classroom.  Despite the cliques, I want students to be able to work together and respect the opinions of their peers.

This one cracks me up with the before and after pictures.
If you can't tell, they pasted their faces to the after pictures :)

Illinois State Standards:
12.A.3c. Compare and contrast how different forms and structures reflect different funtions (e.g., similarities and differences among animals that fly, walk, or swim; structures of plant cells and animal cells). 

Students will:
-create an advertisement to promote muscle fitness
-explain how their workout program benefits muscles
-define vocabulary such as aerobic, anaerobic, flexibility, strength, and endurance
-identify specific muscles that are used specific exercises
-work with peers and develop respect for opinions that may be different from their own


Students were assessed based on their final product.  Students had to follow the directions correctly and include accurate information.  The creativity and neatness of the poster was also assessed.  Students' ability to work together was informally assessed and monitored as they worked during class.

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